
Digital Artist


Hello! Here you can easily find my commission prices across all platforms. You are more than welcome to contact me through direct messaging in any of the listed social medias.

If I don't answer in a timely manner you are more than welcome to message again or try a different social media.

Thank you kindly!

Here you can find my prices! Please ask if you have any questions & I'll do my best to answer!

Please note that my commissions are rarely first come first served & I will announce if they are! I typically only take on drawings I'm interested in / think will go well with my style.

Please fill out & send me this form if you are interested.


Thank you!

Headshot [ Transparent / Simple Background ]$14
Halfbody [ Transparent / Simple Background ]$21
Fullbody [ Transparent / Simple Background ]$28

Halfbody [ Complex Background ]$35
Fullbody [ Complex Background ]$42


You agree to my terms when you commission me. If you have any issues with them, please commission someone else or feel free to message me for clarification!

Payment is up front and within 24 hours!Refunds are only available when I haven't started. Please be patient as I can take a while to answer. You can check if I've started by going to my DA page and looking at my Trello. If it's not there, feel free to message me!I will send you a screenshot of the sketch! If everything looks alright I'll finish the drawing and if not I'll fix what's wrong. I will not make major changes to the drawing after you approve of the sketch!You can ask me for a WIP at any time once I've started! Note me and I'll send you a screenshot.Editing my drawing is OK as long as the original is still kept. For example : You edit the color of something. You must have both art pieces in the TH / character website / wherever you publicly store my art. The only exception to this is if you ask me to edit / ask to edit and I approve. You may then solely use the new one. You may never edit my signature out, even if it's in the way / on top of something you'd like to change. Ask me and I will place it elsewhere for you! Edits are free and I don't mind doing them unless they're major / I'm super busy ( ask again later ). You are absolutely allowed to do major edits if you follow these rules; I just won't do them. You do not have to ask to edit if you plan on following the rules above!No commercial use unless discussed beforehand.This is obvious, but please don't try to scam me. I won't take commissions from shady fellas & I take good measures to ensure I can fight charge-backs & reports.Do not upload my drawing in a way that makes it look like your drawing! Do not upload it to DA / FA / Twitter / etc! If you have an account specifically for an OC please ask first & tag / credit me properly.
